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Painting ID::. 59427
La Grande Odalisque
La Grande Odalisque, 1814, oil on canvas, 91 x 162 cm, Louvre. The subject's elongated proportions, reminiscent of 16th-century Mannerist painters, reflect Ingres's search for the pure form of his model
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Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres La Grande Odalisque
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres:. La Grande Odalisque
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Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres:
J. A. D. Ingres (1780-1867) was born in Montauban on August 29, 1780, the son of an unsuccessful sculptor and painter. French painter. He was the last grand champion of the French classical tradition of history painting. He was traditionally presented as the opposing force to Delacroix in the early 19th-century confrontation of Neo-classicism and Romanticism, but subsequent assessment has shown the degree to which Ingres, like Neo-classicism, is a manifestation of the Romantic spirit permeating the age. The chronology of Ingres's work is complicated by his obsessive perfectionism, which resulted in multiple versions of a subject and revisions of the original. For this reason, all works cited in this article are identified by catalogue.
La Grande Odalisque
La Grande Odalisque, 1814, oil on canvas, 91 x 162 cm, Louvre. The subject's elongated proportions, reminiscent of 16th-century Mannerist painters, reflect Ingres's search for the pure form of his model

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