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Painting ID::. 64998
Bona Sforza's Book of Prayers
1527-28 Illumination on parchment Bodleian Library, Oxford The book was made for Bona Sforza, wife of Sigismund I, King of Poland, who arrived from Italy in 1518. The five most beautiful pictures of the richly decorated book, depicting scenes from the childhood of Christ, was executed by an artist with monogram S.C. (=Stanislaus Claratumbensis). This artist was influenced by the engravings of the masters of the Danube school (D?rer, Altdorfer, Cranach) and he used also Italian Renaissance elements. The miniature presented here depicts the Nativity scene. , MINIATURIST, Polish , Bona Sforza's Book of Prayers , 1451-1500 , Polish , illumination , religious
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Bona Sforza's Book of Prayers
1527-28 Illumination on parchment Bodleian Library, Oxford The book was made for Bona Sforza, wife of Sigismund I, King of Poland, who arrived from Italy in 1518. The five most beautiful pictures of the richly decorated book, depicting scenes from the childhood of Christ, was executed by an artist with monogram S.C. (=Stanislaus Claratumbensis). This artist was influenced by the engravings of the masters of the Danube school (D?rer, Altdorfer, Cranach) and he used also Italian Renaissance elements. The miniature presented here depicts the Nativity scene. , MINIATURIST, Polish , Bona Sforza's Book of Prayers , 1451-1500 , Polish , illumination , religious

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