1. We
have a large number of paintings in our stock.We have 3 levels of quality,topest
quality,high quality and commercial quality. |
2. You
can select from the mediums of oil painting with oil on canvas or oil on
board,50% charge extra for the oil on board. |
3. If
you see a print that you like and it isn't in our current stock, you can still order it,
and there is no extra charge. However there may be a longer waiting period (5 to 7
weeks) as we'll have to special order the print. You can reduce this delay by posting the
print to us or sending a larger clear image to us by email. |
4. The
topest paintings are extremely high quality,done by our topest artist with special oil and
canvas. |
5. All
the prices are in US Dollars,delivery include(by ship). |
6. We can give
you a very good discount after setting up a firm business between us. |