Art Work: A   B   C   D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M   N  O  P-Q  R   S  T-U   V   W-Z    Artist Index

T -- T


The Burial of the Sardine The Burning Bush
The Burning Bush (detail) dfg The Burning Bush dh
The Burning of the Houses of Parliament The Burning of the Houses of Parliament
The Butcher's Shop a The Butterfly Chase
The Cafe Royal in London The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night
The Cake Seller af The Calamities of Humanity sf
The Call to Prayer The Calling of Matthew
The Calling of Matthew dsf The Calling of Saint Matthew (detail) dsf
The Calling of Saint Matthew (detail) fdgf The Calling of Saint Matthew (detail) fg
The Calling of Saint Matthew (detail) gfd The Calling of Saint Matthew (detail) urt
The Calling of Saint Matthew fg The Calling of St.Matthew
The Calling of St.Peter The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew
The Calm Sea The Calmady Children
The Campo Vaccino, Rome dfg The Canigiani Holy Family
The Captain's Daughter The Capture of Christ gh
The Capture of Christ (detail) fdg The Capture of Christ sf
The Capture of Samson dg The Card Players at
The Card Players dh The Card Players fd
The Card-Players sg The Cardinal Infante dfg
The Cardinal Infante Ferdinand as a Hunter The Cardsharps
The Cardsharps f The Caress
The Carpet Merchant The Carrying of the Cross
The Castel Sant Angelo from the South The Castle at Bentheim d
The Census at Bethlehem The Cestello Annunciation dfg
The Chambermaid The Chapel viewed from the entrance dfg
The Chapel viewed towards the entrance sdg The Chariot of Apollo
The Chariot of Apollo The Charity dfh
The Chaste Susannah The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs
The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds The Chess Players s
The Chicago Exhibition, Crystal Palace The Children of Bethel Mourned by their Mothers saf
The Children of Edward Hollen Cruttenden The Chinese Hunt gt
The Chocolate Pot The Choice of a Model
The Choice of Heracles sd The Chosen One
The Christening Feast The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer
The Church Militant and Triumphant The Church Militant and Triumphant gg
The Church Militant and Triumphant (detail) The Church Militant and Triumphant (detail) mm
The Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Assisi The Church of Trinita dei Monti in Rome
The Circumcision of Christ (detail) g The Circus
The Communicant The Communicants
The Companions of Rinaldo The Complain of the Watch dfh
The Comtesse d'Haussonville The Concert
The Concert The Concert


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