La Chine Pétrole en gros Peignant le Cadre Moulant Mirro Chine

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Maerten Jacobsz van Heemskerck Maerten Jacobsz van Heemskerck
1498-1574 Flemish Maerten Jacobsz van Heemskerck Gallery
Maino, Juan Bautista del Maino, Juan Bautista del
Spanish Baroque Era Painter, 1578-1649
Malczewski, Jacek Malczewski, Jacek
Polish Painter, 1858-1929
MALLET, Jean-Baptiste MALLET, Jean-Baptiste
French Painter, 1759-1835
Netherlandish Gothic Era Painter, ca.1365-1415
Mandyn, Jan Mandyn, Jan
Dutch Northern Renaissance Painter, ca.1500-1560
Mannheim, Jean Mannheim, Jean
German-born American Painter, 1861-1945
Marin, John Marin, John
American Painter, 1870-1953
Maris, Jacob Maris, Jacob
Dutch, 1837-1899
Marquis, James Richard Marquis, James Richard
Irish, Scottish heritage, Active 1835-85
Martin Johann Schmidt Martin Johann Schmidt
Austrian Painter, 1718-1801
Martin Johnson Heade Martin Johnson Heade
American Hudson River School Painter, 1819-1904
Martin, John Martin, John
English Romantic Painter, 1789-1854
Netherlandish Painter, ca.1509-1575
Master John Master John
(floruit 1544-1545)
Max Joseph Wagenbauer Max Joseph Wagenbauer
Maximilian Joseph Wagenbauer (1775 Grafing - 1829 Munich), was a Bavarian artist. After finishing school, Wagenbauer attended drawing classes in Munich, under Johann Jakob Dorner the Elder (1741-1813). At the turn of the 19th century he was producing mostly Neo-Classical watercolour landscapes. He served in the military from 1797 to 1801, receiving a royal artist's annuity after his service through the influence of Johann Christian von Mannlich (1741-1822), architect and general building director of the dukes of Zweibre-ken. A condition of the royal stipend was that he produce paintings. He was appointed artist to the court and cabinet in 1802 and Inspector of the Royal Paintings Gallery in 1815. Wagenbauer focused increasingly on oil painting after 1810 and enjoyed the patronage of Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, who in 1811 commissioned him, Cantius Dillis (1779-1856) and Johann Jakob Dorner the Younger (1775-1852) to decorate the banquet hall at Schloss Nymphenburg with large paintings of Bavarian lakes.
Mazo, Juan Bautista Mazo, Juan Bautista
Spanish Baroque Era Painter, ca.1612-1667
MAZO, Juan Bautista Martinez del MAZO, Juan Bautista Martinez del
Spanish Baroque Era Painter, ca.1612-1667
Mehoffer, Jozef Mehoffer, Jozef
Polish, 1869-1946
Meliore di Jacopo Meliore di Jacopo
Italian, active ca.1260-1271
Meyer, Jeremiah
English Painter, 1735-1789
Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt
(Delft, 1567 - Delft 27 June 1641) was a Dutch Golden Age painter. He was the son of a goldsmith, who apprenticed him to the copperplate engraver Hieronymus Wierix. He subsequently became a pupil of Willem Willemz and Augusteyn of Delft, until Anthonie van Montfoort (Houbraken calls him Antony Blokland), who had seen and admired two of Mierevelt's early engravings, Christ and the Samaritan and Judith and Holofernes, invited him to enter his school at Utrecht. He registered as a member of the Guild of St. Luke in The Hague in 1625.Devoting himself first to still lifes, he eventually took up portraiture, in which he achieved such success that the many commissions entrusted to him necessitated the employment of numerous assistants, by whom hundreds of portraits were turned out in factory fashion. Today over 500 paintings are or have been attributed to him.The works that can with certainty be ascribed to his own brush are remarkable for their sincerity, severe drawing and harmonious color, but comparatively few of the two thousand or more portraits that bear his name are wholly his own handiwork. So great was his reputation that he was patronized by royalty in many countries and acquired great wealth. The king of Sweden and the count palatine of Neuburg presented him with golden chains; Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, at whose court he lived in Delft, gave him a pension; and Charles I vainly endeavoured to induce him to visit the English court. Though Mierevelt is chiefly known as a portrait painter, he also executed some mythological pieces of minor importance. Many of his portraits have been reproduced in line by the leading Dutch engravers of his time. He died at Delft. The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has the richest collection of Mierevelt's works, chief of them being the portraits of William, Philip William, Maurice, and Frederick Henry of Orange, and of the count palatine Frederick V. At the Mauritshuis in The Hague are the portraits of four princes of the house of Orange, of Frederick V as king of Bohemia, and of Louise de Coligny as a widow. Other portraits by him are at nearly all the leading continental galleries, notably at Brunswick (3), Gotha (2), Schwerin (3), Munich (2), Paris (Louvre, 3), Dresden (4), Berlin (2), and Darmstadt (3). The town hall of Delft also has numerous examples of his work.
Miel, Jan Miel, Jan
Dutch Baroque Era Painter, ca.1599-1664
Dutch Baroque Era Painter, ca.1614-1670
Minerva Josephine Chapman Minerva Josephine Chapman
(1858 - 1947) was an American painter. She was known for her work in miniature portraiture, landscape, and still life. She was born in Sand Bank, New York and grew up in Chicago, Illinois. She studied at a number of institutions including Mount Holyoke College (where she graduated from in 1880) and the Art Institute of Chicago. She lived and studied in Paris from the late 1880s to 1915, and again after the first world war, where she established her reputation as an artist. She retired to Palo Alto, California and died at the age of 88.
Mir, Joaquin Mir, Joaquin
Spanish Painter, 1873-1940
Miranda, Juan Carreno de Miranda, Juan Carreno de
Spanish, 1614-1685
MOLENAER, Jan Miense MOLENAER, Jan Miense
Dutch painter (b. ca. 1610, Haarlem, d. 1668, Haarlem).
Momper II, Joos de Momper II, Joos de
Flemish Baroque Era Painter, 1564-1635
MOMPER, Joos de MOMPER, Joos de
Flemish painter (b. 1564, Antwerpen, d. 1634/35, Antwerpen).
MONNOYER, Jean-Baptiste MONNOYER, Jean-Baptiste
French Baroque Era Painter, ca.1634-1699
Moscher, Jacob van Moscher, Jacob van
Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1615-1655
Dutch Northern Renaissance Painter, ca.1472-1555
Mota, Jose de la Mota, Jose de la
Mexican, Active 1708-25
Muenier, Jules-Alexis Muenier, Jules-Alexis
French Academic Painter, 1863-1942
Mulvany, John George Mulvany, John George
Irish, 1766-1838
Naish, John George Naish, John George
English, 1824-1905
Nash, Joseph Nash, Joseph
English, 1809-1878
NATTIER, Jean-Marc NATTIER, Jean-Marc
French Rococo Era Painter, 1685-1766
Nicolas-rene jollain Nicolas-rene jollain
French Painter, 1732-1804
French painter (b. 1617, Nancy, d. 1672, Paris).
Nouy, Jean Lecomte du Nouy, Jean Lecomte du
French, 1842-1923
Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1634-1682
Onderdonk, Julian Onderdonk, Julian
American, 1882-1922
Oost, Jacob van the Younger Oost, Jacob van the Younger
Flemish, 1637-1713
OOST, Jacob van, the Elder OOST, Jacob van, the Elder
Flemish Baroque Era Painter, ca.1601-1671
OOST, Jacob van, the Younger OOST, Jacob van, the Younger
Flemish painter (b. 1639, Brugge, d. 1713, Brugge)
Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz van
Flemish, 1472-1533

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La Chine Pétrole en gros Peignant le Cadre Pétrole de Cadre en gros Peignant la Vente en gros de Miroir en gros Moulant la Peinture à l'huile de Chine de Cadre d'Image chinoise