Le Portrait dune Dame avec un Ventilateur de Plume Dautruche Portrait of a Lady with an Ostrich Feather Fan
1660 39 1-8 x 32 1-2 -99.5 x 82.5cm- La Galerie Nationale dArt, Washington DC 1660
39 1/8" x 32 1/2" (99.5 x 82.5cm)
The National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
Portrait_of_a_Lady_with_an_Ostrich_Feather_Fan 1660 39 1-8 x 32 1-2 -99.5 x 82.5cm- La Galerie Nationale dArt, Washington DC 1660
39 1/8" x 32 1/2" (99.5 x 82.5cm)
The National Gallery of Art, Washington DC