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      Sir John Everett Millais -- Mrs James Wyatt Jnr and her Daughter (Here)
      John Ruskin -- Self-Portrait (Here)
      Axel Haig -- View of the Winter Smoking Room with Medieval Figures (Here)
      Walter Crane -- Diana and Endymion (Here)
      Frederick George Cotman -- One of the Family (Here)
      Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale,RWS -- In the Springtime (Here)
      Telemaco signorini -- Leith (Here)
      Richard Redgrave,RA -- The Valleys also stand Thick with Corn:Psalm LXV (Here)
      Richard Burchett -- View across Sandown Bay Isle of Wight (Here)
      Paul Philippoteaux -- The Battle of Gettvsburg (Here)
      John Vanderlyn -- Panorama of Versilles (Here)
      Arthur streeton -- Fire's On (Here)
      Charles conder -- Departure of the SS Orient from Circular Quay (Here)
      William Holman Hunt -- Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the Death of his Young Brother,Slain in a Skirmish Between the Colonna and Orsini Factions (Here)
      Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- How They Met Themselves (Here)
      William Holman Hunt -- The Light of the World (Here)
      Luke Fildes -- Applicants for Admission to a Casual Ward (Here)
      Luke Fildes -- The Doctor (Here)
      William Small -- The Good Samaritan (Here)
      William Holyoake -- Inthe Front Row at the Opera (Here)
      John William Waterhouse -- La Belle Dame sans Merci (Here)
      Albert Bierstadt -- The Oregon Trail (Here)
      John Burr -- The Peepshow (Here)
      Diego Velazquez -- Las meninas,or the Family of Philip IV (Here)
      Henry Fuseli -- Titania's Awakening (Here)
      Titian -- The Exbortation of the Marquis del Vasto to His Troops (Here)
      Titian -- Bacchanal (Here)
      Mateo cerezo -- Still Life (Here)
      Cano, Alonso -- The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel (Here)
      Jean Ranc -- King Philip V andHis Family (Here)
      Felipe Ramirez -- Still Life (Here)
      Jacopo Bassano -- The Israelites Drinkintg the Miraculous Water (Here)
      David Teniers -- Smokers and Drinkers (Here)
      David Teniers -- The Gallery of Archduke Leopld Wilhelm (Here)
      Sebastiano del Piombo -- Jesus Carrying the Cross (Here)
      Sebastiano del Piombo -- The Descent of Christ into Limbo (Here)
      BERRUGUETE, Pedro -- Auto-da-Fe (Here)
      Joaquin Agrasot y Juan -- The Two Friends (Here)
      Lorenzo Valles -- The Madness of Dona juana (Here)
      Francisco de goya y Lucientes -- The Maja Nude (Here)
      COELLO, Claudio -- St.Dominic de Guzman (Here)
      COELLO, Claudio -- The Triumph of St.Augustine (Here)
      VERONESE (Paolo Caliari) -- Jesus Disuting wtih the Elders (Here)
      Titian -- Danae (Here)
      Titian -- Religion Supported by Spain (Here)
      CASTILLO, Antonio del -- Joseph Interpreting Pharaob's Dreams (Here)
      Jacopo Amigoni -- Joseph in Pharaob's Palace (Here)
      Luca Giordano -- Solomon's Dream (Here)
      Jacob Jordaens -- An Offering to Ceres (Here)
      Jacob Jordaens -- The Artist and His Family in a Garden (Here)
      Domenichino -- The Sacrifice of Abraham (Here)
      Juan Correa de Vivar -- The Presentation of Jesus inthe Temple (Here)
      Francisco de goya y Lucientes -- The Parasol (Here)
      Luis Menendez -- Still Life with Cucumbers and Tomatoes (Here)
      Francisco de goya y Lucientes -- May 2,1808,in Madrid The Charge of the Mamelukes (Here)
      El Greco -- The Coronation of the Virgin (Here)
      El Greco -- Pentecost (Here)
      Juan Vicente Masip -- The Martyrdom of St.Agnes (Here)
      Peter Paul Rubens -- The Abduction fo Ganymede (Here)
      COELLO, Claudio -- The Adoration of the Holy Family by St.Louis.King of France,and Othe Saints (Here)

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