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      Domenico Beccafumi -- The Holy Family with the Young St.John (Here)
      Andrea Boscoli -- St.Sebastian (Here)
      Andrea Boscoli -- The Marriage at Cana (Here)
      Pagani, Gregorio -- Pyramus and Thisbe (Here)
      CIGOLI -- St.Francis in Prayer (Here)
      Jacopo da Empoli -- The Integrity of St. Eligius (Here)
      Jacopo da Empoli -- St.Ivo,Protector of Widows and Orphans (Here)
      Lorenzo Lippi -- The Triumph of David (Here)
      Salvator Rosa -- The Ruined Bridge (Here)
      Salvator Rosa -- The Lie (Here)
      Salvator Rosa -- Seascape at Sunset (Here)
      Cairo, Francesco del -- Self-portrait (Here)
      Rosalba carriera -- Self-portrait with a Portrait of Her Sister (Here)
      MOLA, Pier Francesco -- Self-portrait (Here)
      Maratta, Carlo -- Self-Portrait (Here)
      Ludovico Cigoli -- Self-Portrait (Here)
      Francesco Vanni -- Self-Portrait with Parents and Half-brother (Here)
      jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin -- Young Girl with a Shuttlecock (Here)
      Francois Boucher -- The Baby Jesus and the Infant St.John (Here)
      Artemisia gentileschi -- Judith and Her Maidser (Here)
      Artemisia gentileschi -- Mary Magdalen (Here)
      Caravaggio -- The Tooth Puller (Here)
      Caravaggio -- Sleeping Cupid (Here)
      Caravaggio -- Portrait of a Knight of Malta (Here)
      Jean-Etienne Liotard -- Morie-Adelaide of France Dressed in Turkish Costume (Here)
      Jean Pillement -- Seascape with a Shipwreck (Here)
      Angelica Kauffmann -- Self-Portrait (Here)
      Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Lebrun -- Self-Portrait (Here)
      Jean-Baptiste Corot -- Self-Portrait (Here)
      Paul Brill -- The Stag Hunt (Here)
      Paul Brill -- Seascape (Here)
      Jacob van Ruisdael -- Landscape with Shepherds and Peasants (Here)
      Andrea Bonaiuti -- St.Agnes and St.Domitilla (Here)
      Jacopo Di Cione -- The Coronation of the Virgin wiht Prophets and Saints (Here)
      Federico Barocci -- Portrait of a Maiden (Here)
      Federico Barocci -- Noli Me Tangere (Here)
      Titian -- Portrait of a Gentleman (Here)
      LICINIO, Bernardino -- Reclining Female Nude (Here)
      BONIFACIO VERONESE -- Moses Saved from the Water (Here)
      Santi Di Tito -- Christ's Entrane into Jerusalem (Here)
      Santi Di Tito -- The Depostition from the Cross with the Virgin,SS.Johnt the Baptist and Catherine of Alexandria,and the Patron,Bal-dassarre Suarez (Here)
      Peter Paul Rubens -- Holy Family with St.Elizabeth (Here)
      Frans Pourbus the younger -- Marie de Medicis,Queen of France (Here)
      BARTOLOMEO, Fra -- The Mystic Marriage of St.Catherine (Here)
      ALBERTINELLI Mariotto -- The Adoration of the Child with an Angel (Here)
      ALBERTINELLI Mariotto -- The Nativity (Here)
      Domenico Fetti -- Ecce Homo (Here)
      Tiberio Tinelli -- Portrait of the Poet Giulio Strozzi (Here)
      LISS, Johann -- The Sacrifice of Isaac (Here)
      Correggio -- Madonna and Child in Glory with Angels (Here)
      Correggio -- The Adoration of the Child (Here)
      DOSSI, Dosso -- The Allegory of Hercules (Here)
      Michelangelo Buonarroti -- The Holy Family with the Young St.John the Baptist (Here)
      Raphael -- Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami (Here)
      Raphael -- Madonna of the Cloth (Here)
      Dandini, Cesare -- Portrait of a Young Man (Here)
      Dandini, Cesare -- Rinaldo and Armida (Here)
      Dandini, Cesare -- Two Hanging Mallards (Here)
      Ambrogio Lorenzetti -- St.Nicholas Offers Three Girls Their Dowry and St.Nicholas Is Elected Bishop of Mira (Here)
      Ambrogio Lorenzetti -- The Presentation in the Temple (Here)

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