le dimanche
was a Spanish surrealist painter.
Born in San Cristebal de La Laguna on the island of Tenerife, Domenguez spent his youth with his grandmother in Tacoronte and devoted himself to painting at a young age after suffering a serious illness which affected his growth and caused a progressive deformation of his facial bone frame and limbs.
He went to Paris at 21 where he first worked for his father in the central market of Les Halles, and spent his nights drinking in cabarets. He then frequented some art schools, and visited galleries and museums.
Domenguez was rapidly attracted by avant-garde painters, notably Yves Tanguy and Pablo Picasso, whose influences were visible in his first works. At 25 he painted a self-portrait full of premonition as he showed himself with a deformed hand and with the veins of his arm cut. He chose to kill himself 27 years later by cutting his veins.
In 1933 Domenguez met Andre Breton, a theoretician of Surrealism, and Paul Éluard, known as the poet of this movement, and took part a year later in the Surrealist exhibition held in Copenhagen and those of London and Tenerife in 1936.
He took up the Russian-invented technique of decalcomania in 1936, using gouache spread thinly on a sheet of paper or other surface (glass has been used), which is then pressed onto another surface such as a canvas. |
Leonor de Almeida Portugal
Leonor de Almeida Portugal de Lorena e Lencastre (Lisboa, 31 de outubro de 1750 - Benfica, 11 de outubro de 1839) foi uma nobre e poetisa portuguesa. |
Lodewijk de Vadder
Lodewijk de Vadder (1605, Grimbergen - 1655, Brussels) was a Flemish Baroque landscape painter and engraver.
He became a master of Antwerp's Guild of St. Luke in 1628, and learned painting from his father and brothers. He specialized in landscapes with woods, in the manner of his contemporary Jacques d'Arthois and his pupil Lucas Achtschellinck[1]. They are usually referred to collectively as "The Sonian Forest Painters". |
lorens pasch d. y
Lorens Pasch d.y., född 1733, död 1805, konstnär; professor vid Konstakademien från 1773. Son till Lorens Pasch d.ä., bror till Ulrika Pasch, brorsson till Johan Pasch. Invald tillsammans med sin syster i Konstakademien 1773. |
lorens pasch d.y
Lorens Pasch d.y., född 1733, död 1805, konstnär; professor vid Konstakademien från 1773. Son till Lorens Pasch d.ä., bror till Ulrika Pasch, brorsson till Johan Pasch. Invald tillsammans med sin syster i Konstakademien 1773. |
Lorenzo Delleani
(Pollone (Biella), 1840 - Turin, 1908) was an Italian painter.
A pupil of Cesare Gamba and Carlo Arienti at the Albertina Academy in Turin, Delleani worked initially in the field of history painting and received various marks of official recognition. He exhibited work at the Paris Salon of 1874 and gradually modernised his means of expression and range of subjects at the end of the decade with a new focus on landscape and painting from life. The early 1880s saw an exclusive focus on painting en plein air, capturing light in thick strokes of colour. His most frequent subjects were views of the Piedmontese and Lombard countryside in changing conditions of light and season. The artistes presentation of some 40 works at the Venice Biennale in 1905 and participation in the International Exhibition in Munich of the same year set the seal on his international success.
Louis D. Fancher
December 25, 1884-March 2, 1944) was an American artist and illustrator, notable for his drawings that appeared in books, in magazines, and on propaganda posters during World War.
Fancher was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1884 and was a student of Henry Siddons Mowbray, Robert Henri, and Kenyon Cox. He was active in San Francisco as well as in New York, where he lived most of his life. |
louis daguerre
Louis-Jacques-Mand?? Daguerre (November 18, 1787 ?C July 10, 1851) was a French artist and chemist, recognized for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography.
Daguerre was born in Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Val-d'Oise, France. He apprenticed in architecture, theater design, and panoramic painting. Exceedingly adept at his skill for theatrical illusion, he became a celebrated designer for the theater and later came to invent the Diorama, which opened in Paris in July 1822.
In 1827, Joseph Nic??phore Ni??pce produced the world's first permanent photograph (known as a Heliograph). Daguerre partnered with Ni??pce two years later, beginning a four-year cooperation. Ni??pce died suddenly in 1833. The main reason for the "partnership", as far as Daguerre was concerned, was connected to his already famous dioramas. Niepce was a printer and his process was based on a faster way to produce printing plates. Daguerre thought that the process developed by Niepce could help speed up his diorama creation.
Daguerre announced the latest perfection of the Daguerreotype, after years of experimentation, in 1839, with the French Academy of Sciences announcing the process on January 7 of that year. Daguerre's patent was acquired by the French Government, and, on August 19, 1839, the French Government announced the invention was a gift "Free to the World."
Daguerre and Ni??pce's son obtained a pension from the Government in exchange for freely sharing the details of the process. Daguerre died in Bry-sur-Marne, 12 km from Paris. A monument marks his grave there.
Louis Dewis
(1872-1946) was a Belgian Post-Impressionist painter, who lived most of his adult life in France.
Dewis was born Isidore Louis Dewachter in Mons, Belgium, the son of Isidore Louis Dewachter and Eloise Desmaret Dewachter. He spent his formative years in Liege where his closest boyhood friend was Richard Heintz (fr:Richard Heintz) (1871-1929), who also became an internationally known landscape artist.
Although the name "Dewachter" may have Flemish roots, Dewachter always considered himself a Walloon.
Luis de Morales
(1510 - 9 May 1586) was a Spanish painter born in Badajoz, Extremadura. Known as "El Divino", most of his work was of religious subjects, including many representations of the Madonna and Child and the Passion.
Influenced, especially in his early work, by Raphael Sanzio and the Lombard school of Leonardo, he was called by his contemporaries "The Divine Morales", because of his skill and the shocking realism of his paintings, and because of the spirituality transmitted by all his work.
His work has been divided by critics into two periods, an early stage under the influence of Florentine artists such as Michelangelo and a more intense, more anatomically correct later period similar to German and Flemish renaissance painters
marcel duchamp
marche duchamp (1887 to 1968),French painter, sculptor and writer. The art and ideas of Duchamp, perhaps more than those of any other 20th-century artist, have served to exemplify the range of possibilities inherent in a more conceptual approach to the art-making process. Not only is his work of historical importance
Marie-Denise Villers
(1774 - August 19, 1821) was a French painter, who specialized in portraits. She was born Marie-Denise Lemoine in Paris. She came from an artistic family, and her sisters Marie-Victoire Lemoine and Marie-Élisabeth Gabiou were also accomplished artists. In 1794, Marie-Denise married an architecture student, Michel-Jean-Maximilien Villers.
Villers was a student of the French painter Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson. She was first exhibited at the Paris Salon of the Year VII (1799). Villers' most famous painting, Young Woman Drawing, |
Marten de Vos
(1532-1603), also Maarten, was a leading Antwerp painter and draughtsman in the late sixteenth century.
martin mijtens d.a
Martin Mijtens d.ä., Martin Meytens, Martin Mytens, född 1648 i Haag, Holland, död 1736 i Stockholm och begravd i Maria Kyrkan, nederländsk konstnär. Far till Martin Mijtens d.y. och son till porträttmålaren Isaac Mijtens.
Mijtens kom till Stockholm före eller under år 1677 och fann där ett så tacksamt fält för sin konst, att han beslöt stanna och 1681 satte han bo. Av hans första verk finns prov i Vibyholms och andra samlingar. De visar, att han hade en fin pensel, behaglig, varm, fastän tunn färg samt livlig och karakteristisk uppfattning av de skildrade. Med sina gråaktiga fonder, de ofta gulbruna draperierna och den enkla, naiva framställningen bildar Mijtens vid denna tid en bestämd motsats till David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl. Men dennes anseende och den gunst hans målningssätt vunnit var så stora, att även Mijtens måste böja sig. Så småningom blir hans bilder något anspråksfullare och djärvare, åtbörder och minspel kraftigare, bisakerna rikare, tonen i det hela mer högstämd, utan att personligheten försummas eller återgivningen av hudfärg överger den varma, åt gult dragande hållningen. Många bilder från denna hans andra period, som ungefär omfattar åren 1685- 1700, finns på Skoklosters slott, där Nils Bielke och hans grevinna, Eva Horn (i landskap), hör till mästarens bästa målningar, och på Vibyholm, i Uppsala (professor Schwedes porträtt i Uppsala museum och Olof Rudbeck d.ä.:s förträffliga bild, 1696, i medicinska fakultetens sessionsrum), i Hammers samling och på inte så få andra ställen. Konstnärens vana att högst sällan signera har gjort, att bilderna från dessa år ofta har blandats ihop med Ehrenstrahls och gått under den senares namn. Säkra skiljetecken är emellertid draperierna, som hos Mijtens saknar stil och ofta verkar tämligen slappt tecknade, och även det livligare åtbördsspelet. Man vet, att Mijtens, trots sin medtävlares anseende, var mycket eftersökt som porträttmålare och samlade förmögenhet på sin konst, så att han kunde bl.a. förvärva ett ej obetydligt konstgalleri. Han var även alltifrån 1692 och ganska länge kyrkoråd i den lilla holländska församlingen i Stockholm. 1697 och 1701 företog han resor till hembygden, den förra gången åtföljd av sin unge lärjunge Lucas von Breda. Utom denne ej obetydande konstnär utbildade Mijtens även sin son , som under det i Tyskland antagna namnet van Meytens berömde målaren (se denne), samt G. de Marees och möjligen flera. Man kan säga att omkring år 1700 vidtog Mijtens tredje maner. Karnationen får en dragning åt rött, som slutligen blir nästan stötande (t. ex. i Fabritius och prins Alexander av Georgiens porträtt på Gripsholms slott), teckningen vårdslösas mer, och de granna röda eller djupblå draperierna är stillösare och hårdare målade än förr. Dock lever ännu inte litet av den forna kraften i karaktärsteckningen, och anordningen bibehåller i mycket den förra prydligheten. Även denna hans nedgång finnes ej sällan företrädd i svenska samlingar. Märkligt är ett självporträtt (nu på Fånö i Uppland), emedan det enligt sägnen skall vara målat på hans höga ålderdom och under sinnessvaghet (om denna vet man för övrigt inget). Utom måleriet idkade han även gravyr samt utförde ett porträtt af Karl XI i svart maner och möjligen ett par andra blad i samma art (Gustaf Adolf de la Gardie, Georg Stiernhielm). Mijtens skall, enligt gammal uppgift, ha avlidit i Stockholm 1736; enligt en urkund levde han ännu i juli 1730. Hans målningssamling såldes av hans arvingar till preussiske överstemarskalken greve Gotter och kom inte långt därefter till storhertigen af Werttemberg. Carl Gustaf Tessin, som tycks ha hyst mycken ringaktning för Mijtens omtalar dock, att denna samling på sin tid ansågs som den enda framstående i riket (utom grefve Johan Gabriel Stenbocks). Att Carl Gustaf Tessin vid samma tillfälle kallar Mijtens "en gammal färgskämmare" och även annars talar illa om hans konst, tycks visa att Mijtens vid mitten af 1700-talet var fullkomligt bortglömd, åtminstone sådan han varit under sin bästa tid. Sedan finns han ej heller mycket omtalad. Först genom konstföreningens utställning 1841 och Nils Arfwidssons anmälan av honom i Frey återupptäcktes han; och man fann då, att Sverige i honom ägt en konstnär av sådan betydelse, att han kan mäta sig även med våra största mästare. Hans inflytande på den svenska konstens fortbildning blev dock ej särskilt stort. David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl och David von Krafft ställer honom i det avseendet fullkomligt i skuggan. |
Maso da San Friano
(1536-1571) was an Italian painter active in Florence. His real name was Tomaso D'Antonio Manzuoli. He was born in San Friano and died in Florence.
According to Giorgio Vasari, Maso was a pupil of Pier Francesco Foschi while others claim it was Carlo Portelli. He collaborated with an elder Michelangelo on some projects.
His altarpiece of the Visitation was painted in 1560 for the church of San Pier Maggiore of Florence - now in Trinity Hall Chapel, Cambridge, England. A similar work can be seen in the Prato cathedral. After 1561, he painted in the church of Ognissanti, Florence and in the church of Santa Felicita. He participated in the decoration of the Studiolo of Francesco I with an oval canvas relating the Fall of Icarus story (1572). The canvas has an affected milling in individuals below and an anomalous perspective; both are classic features of mannerist painting. His second contribution Mining of Diamonds. A portrait of Ferdinando I de' Medici (1570) by Maso can be found in the Town Council Hall of Prato.
He is thought to be one of part of the Contra-Maniera or Counter-Mannerism movement in Florence. His most important pupils were Jacopo da Empoli and Alessandro Fei.
One of his paintings, thought to be of Cosimo I de Medici in 1560, is believed to be the oldest to show a watch
Maso di Banco
Italian Early Renaissance Painter, active 1320-1350 |