ca 1900( artist~s fru och motyer ) 1~10~~ x 1~ 3 1/4~~( 56 x 38.5 cm )Gift av Andre Boule.1981 ca 1900(artist's wife and motyer)
1'10'' x 1' 3 1/4''(56 x 38.5 cm)Gift of Andre Boule,1981
ca 1900( artist~s fru och motyer ) 1~10~~ x 1~ 3 1/4~~( 56 x 38.5 cm )Gift av Andre Boule.1981 ca 1900(artist's wife and motyer)
1'10'' x 1' 3 1/4''(56 x 38.5 cm)Gift of Andre Boule,1981