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      Ernst Ludwig Kirchner -- The Red Tower in Halle (Here)
      Ernst Ludwig Kirchner -- The Street (Here)
      Otto Mueller -- Lovers (Here)
      Franz Marc -- Tyrol (Here)
      August Macke -- Girls Amongst Trees (Here)
      Max Beckmann -- The Night (Here)
      Max Beckmann -- Dance in Baden-Baden (Here)
      Lazlo Moholy Nagy -- Composition Z VIII (Here)
      Kazimir Malevich -- Suprematist Composition (Here)
      Kazimir Malevich -- Knife-Grinder (Here)
      El Lissitzky -- Proun (Here)
      Theo van Doesburg -- Simultaneous Counter Composition (Here)
      Piet Mondrian -- Oval Compositon (Here)
      Piet Mondrian -- Composition NO.ii Composition with Blue and Red (Here)
      Paul Klee -- Villa R (Here)
      Paul Klee -- Senecio (Here)
      Paul Klee -- Around the Fish (Here)
      Oskar Schlemmer -- Bauhaus Stairway (Here)
      Grant Wood -- American Gothic (Here)
      Chaim Soutine -- Page Boy at Maxim-s (Here)
      Kurt Schwitters -- Merz 25 A.The Constella tion (Here)
      unknow artist -- Painting the Augustan period (Here)
      unknow artist -- The home of Augustus on the Palatine (Here)
      unknow artist -- Trajjan-s Grand Plan for the Heart of rome The libraries of Trajan-s Forum (Here)
      unknow artist -- Reconstruction of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome (Here)
      unknow artist -- hunting Baths (Here)
      unknow artist -- Fresco in the main hall of the Hunting Baths at Lepcis Magna (Here)
      unknow artist -- Nilotic mosaic with hippopotamus,crocodile and ducks (Here)
      unknow artist -- Mosaic from the Roman villa at Zliten in Tripolitania showing horses and cattle threshing corn (Here)
      unknow artist -- Mosaics from Hadrian-s valla at Tivoli (Here)
      unknow artist -- Mosaics from Hadrian-s valla at Tivoli (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting from the House of the Dioscuri at Pompeii (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting from Pompeii showing the story of the Trojan Horse (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting from Herculaneum showing in highly impres sionistic style the bringing of offerings to Dionysus (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting houses at noon from Pompeii (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting a pastoral scene in the romantic style,from pompeii (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting a harbour from Stabiae (Here)
      unknow artist -- Still Life painting from Herculaneum (Here)
      unknow artist -- Still life wall Painting from the House of Julia Felix Pompeii thrusches eggs and domestic utensils (Here)
      unknow artist -- Fourth Style painting from Herculaneum (Here)
      unknow artist -- Wall painting from the House of Julia Felix at Pompeii (Here)
      unknow artist -- Portrait of Bihzad (Here)
      Muslim artist -- Turkish Painter (Here)
      Byzantine Painter -- Dioscorides and his disciples (Here)
      Poet Nizami -- Qays, the future sees his Lady Beloved,Layli for the first time in school (Here)
      Ali She Nawat -- Shaykh san an overwhelmed by love when he beholds the theophany upon the countenance of the Byzantine priness upon her balcony (Here)
      Arifi -- The Lady Beloved contemplates her reflection in a pool so clear,the her lover can no longer distionuish her from her own mirror image (Here)
      Hindu painter -- The Mughal emperor jahanir honors a holy dervish,over and above the rulers of the lower world (Here)
      Muslim artist -- An idealized portrait of Bihzad (Here)
      Ali She Nawat -- Prince Bahram-i-Gor,dressed in blue,listen to the tale of the Princess of the Blue Pavilion (Here)
      Bihzad -- Building ot Castle Khawarnaq,wherein the chamber of the seven icons will be hidden (Here)
      Bihzad -- Caliph al-Ma-mun in his bath (Here)
      Gentile Bellini -- Portrait of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (Here)
      Costanzo da Ferrara -- Portrait of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (Here)
      Naqqash Sinan Bey -- Portrait of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (Here)
      Abu l Faraj al Isfahani -- Emir Badruddin Lu lu,governor of Mosul,out hawking (Here)
      unknow artist -- Ruler with royal cup (Here)
      unknow artist -- Garedner,Northern Iraq (Here)
      Bihzad -- Details from Caliph al Ma mun in his bath (Here)
      Bihzad -- Details from Caliph al Ma mun in his bath (Here)

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