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      unknow artist -- Enthroned ruler beneath a scarf of victory upheld by angels and who himself holds both royal cup and royal white kerchief (Here)
      unknow artist -- King Zaw enthroned and holding the royal cup (Here)
      unknow artist -- Solomon with Halo (Here)
      Bihzad -- Timur enthroned and holding the white kerchief of rule (Here)
      Jackals Kalila and Dimna -- The lion king,goaded by the jackals kalila and Dimna (Here)
      unknow artist -- Prince Bahram i Gor slays the Dragon (Here)
      Ali She Nawat -- Nizami s shade welcomes the minister Nawai (Here)
      Bihzad -- Sultan Sanjar and the wildow (Here)
      Painter Junayd -- Sultan Malik Shah and the widow (Here)
      Sultan Muhammad -- Sultan Sanjar and the widow (Here)
      Hindu painter -- Sultan Sanjar and the widow (Here)
      Guglielmo Girardi -- Dante,Guided by virgil bows before a relief depicting Emperor Trajan and the widow in canto X of the Purgatorio (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Prophet Muhammad (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Hero Faramurz scatters the troops of the king of Kabul (Here)
      unknow artist -- Details of The Hero Faramurz scatters the troops of the king of Kabul (Here)
      Bihzad -- Capture of a city (Here)
      Hafiz i Abru -- The last Abbasid caliph al musta sim bi llah, (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Prophet Muhammad bows before the Lord-s radiance (Here)
      unknow artist -- Chinese Princess (Here)
      Bihzad -- Timur enthroned (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Kalila and Dimna animal fables (Here)
      unknow artist -- Perspective view (Here)
      unknow artist -- Perspective view (Here)
      unknow artist -- Perspective view (Here)
      unknow artist -- Perspective view (Here)
      unknow artist -- Black pen study of deer (Here)
      unknow artist -- Alexander fights a Monoceros (Here)
      Li Ti -- Drovers returning in a storm (Here)
      Li Ti -- Drovers returning in a storm (Here)
      unknow artist -- Bird upon a branch (Here)
      unknow artist -- Akwan the demon casts the sleeping hero Rustam into the sea (Here)
      unknow artist -- Two chained musician demons (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Master of the garden espies the maidens bathing in his pool (Here)
      Bihzad -- The Master of the garden espies the maidens bathing in his pool (Here)
      unknow artist -- A Chinese dignitary (Here)
      unknow artist -- Prince Humay before thee Palace of Princess Humayun of China (Here)
      unknow artist -- The bird Simurgh carries the child Zal aloft into the mountains (Here)
      unknow artist -- Prince Humay dreams that he meets Princess Humayun of China in her garden (Here)
      Sharafuddin Yazdi -- Fighting on the Banks of the Oxus (Here)
      unknow artist -- Sultan Husayn on this throne (Here)
      Bihzad -- Sikanar overcomes the Hosts of Dara (Here)
      Sharafuddin Yazdi -- Attack against the fort of Urganj (Here)
      unknow artist -- A blind musician plays for Sultan Husayn Mirza Harem (Here)
      Bihzad -- Study (Here)
      Bihzad -- Building the Great Mosque of Samarkand (Here)
      unknow artist -- Babur,prince of Kabul,visits his cousin prince Badi uz Zaman of Herat in 1506 (Here)
      Sultan Muhammad -- Prince Bahram i Gor listens to the tale of the princess of Persia beneath the white pavilion (Here)
      Ali She Nawat -- Alexander defeats Darius,an allegory of Shah Tahmasp-s defeat of the Uzbeks in 1526 (Here)
      Bihzad -- Portrait of the poet Hatifi,Jami s nephew,seen here wearing a shi ite turban (Here)
      Bihzad -- Portrait of the Uzbek emir Shaybani Khan,seen here wearing a Sunni turban (Here)
      unknow artist -- Fighting camels (Here)
      Bihzad -- Old man and youth (Here)
      unknow artist -- Princes of the House of Timur. (Here)
      Bihzad -- Tamerlane leading the assault of the castle of the knights of the Hospitallers of Saint john at Smyrna (Here)
      Bihzad -- His Ministers plead with the Sasanian king Hurmuzd to forgive his son Khusro (Here)
      Bihzad -- A shaykh in the prayer niche of a mosque (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Poet Nizami sits in the highest rank among the great Persian poets of the past (Here)
      Bihzad -- The poet Nizami (Here)
      Ali of Golconda -- Poet in a garden (Here)
      unknow artist -- Sultan Muhmud of Ghazni depicted as a young Safavid prince visiting a hermit (Here)

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