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      Bihzad -- A dervish awed by a prince s tajalli (Here)
      Bihzad -- The Gatekeeper denies entrance by one unworthy of the garden (Here)
      Bihzad -- A Poor dervish deserves,through his wisdom,to replace the arrogant cadi in the mosque (Here)
      unknow artist -- Dome of the sultan s tent (Here)
      unknow artist -- Intoxicated guests (Here)
      Bihzad -- King Darius and the Herdsman (Here)
      Bihzad -- A dervish begs to be admitted in the mosque (Here)
      Bihzad -- Zulaykha attempts to seduce joseph in her palace (Here)
      Bihzad -- Portrait of jami leaning on a staff,with another scholar of Sultan Husayn-s court (Here)
      Shaykh Muhammad -- Joseph,Haloed in his tajalli,at his wedding feast (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Seven great prophets (Here)
      unknow artist -- Transfiguration of Christ (Here)
      Bihzad -- Alexander or Sikandar annuls the magic of the malevolent idol at the entrance to the ocean (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Prophets Muhammad and Moses (Here)
      unknow artist -- Sultan Husayn Mirza in mystical contemplation of the rose (Here)
      Bihzad -- the theophany through Layli sitting framed within the prayer niche (Here)
      unknow artist -- Qays,the future Majnun,begins as a scribe to write his poem in honor of the theophany through Layli (Here)
      Muhammadi of Herat -- The Lady Beloved sits framed within the prayer niche (Here)
      unknow artist -- A prince learns calligraphy,while below him,a scribe and a painter work face to face (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Scribe Abd ur Rahim of Herat ,Known as the Amber Stylus and the painter Dawlat,Work Face to Face (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Theophany in Christ (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Prophet Muhammad borne to heaven by the archangel Gabriel (Here)
      unknow artist -- Mystical ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (Here)
      unknow artist -- Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (Here)
      Bihzad -- Alexander and the hermit (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Crescent moon turned downwards (Here)
      Bihzad -- The Crescent moon turned downwards (Here)
      Bihzad -- Jami as Apollonius and the minister Mir Ali Sher Nawa i as Alexander (Here)
      Bihzad -- Fragment of a Manichaean manuscript,with the Hindu gods Ganesh,Vishnu (Here)
      Bihzad -- Brahman transformed into demons (Here)
      Hindu painter -- Mani paints a dead dog upon the magic Chinese poll (Here)
      unknow artist -- Rumi riding his mule as an Ottoman prelate swollen with pride,and Brought back to humility on seeing the dervish Shams (Here)
      Mirza Ali -- King and hermit (Here)
      Bihzad -- Mahan s diabolic horse (Here)
      unknow artist -- Young Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni visits a Hermit Note the sultan-s horse and his dog. (Here)
      Bihzad -- Archangel,a symbol of the divine Active Intelligence (Here)
      unknow artist -- Alexander and the her hermit (Here)
      Bihzad -- A holy personage at the gate of a shrine consoles a son over his father-s death (Here)
      Bihzad -- A peasant lectures the sage Abu Sa Id ibn Abi l Khayr,the shaykh of Mahneh.on patience (Here)
      Muslim artist -- Three arhat-s in a circle,with their tame tiger (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Seven Sleepers in the cave of Ephesus with their dog (Here)
      unknow artist -- The Seven Sleepers in the cave of Ephesus with their dog (Here)
      unknow artist -- Alexander and Plato sit together in the cave (Here)
      unknow artist -- Arhat asleep on his tame tiger (Here)
      unknow artist -- Elijah and khizr as mirror images,near the fount of life where their twin fish have resuscitated (Here)
      Bihzad -- The Tree of Life springs from the fount and bows over the saint (Here)
      Bihzad -- The saintly Bishr fishes up the corpse of the blaspheming Malikha from the magic well which is the fount fo life (Here)
      unknow artist -- The poet Sa di questions a young scholar before the mosque of Kashghar (Here)
      unknow artist -- The hero Isfandiyar slays Arjasp the demonking in the Brazen Hold (Here)
      unknow artist -- Dancing demons (Here)
      unknow artist -- Angels and dragons (Here)
      unknow artist -- Solomon,with the Queen of Sheba and their minister Asaph (Here)
      unknow artist -- Dazed overwhelmed,and bleary eyed demons (Here)
      Sultan Muhammad -- Sakhr,the rock demon,among other demons shut up in the mountain,leers at the lust between the two ibexes (Here)
      Bihzad -- The suicide of the artist Farhad,forbidden union with the lovely Shirin (Here)
      Bihzad -- Abduction from the seraglio (Here)
      unknow artist -- The hoopoe addresse the soul birds beneath the Tree of Life Springing up from the fount of life (Here)
      unknow artist -- Alexander and the hermit (Here)
      unknow artist -- Prince Faridun shotts an arrow at a gazelle,an allegory of the ray of divine light piercing the soul (Here)
      unknow artist -- Prince and hermit (Here)

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